
Marketing to Gen Z

Marketing to Gen Z

Gen Z is influencing trends and shaping how people relate to brands. How can marketers capitalize on this shift?

Generation Z is changing the consumer landscape, and its impact isn’t limited to its own generation but expanding to the entire population pyramid. It’s time marketers rethink how they connect to customers and address the new market demands.

With this generation evaluating everything in-depth and prioritizing access over possession, creating campaigns that resonate with them could be a huge game-changer.

How Gen Z is different

Gen Z is radically different from the previous generations. With an aversion to labels and expression being an innate need, this generation is all about seeking truth. Gen Z is way more open to diverse viewpoints and opinions. Stereotyping is not their thing.

A broader belief system allows this generation to be more respectful of diversity and connect to causes different from their own. Zoomers are a generation that’s more tolerant and accommodating.

Marketing Strategies for digital natives

With GenZ preferring learning things online over traditional education and marketing methods, it makes insane sense for brands to create an engaging digital experience that allows Gen Z to self-learn and self-serve.

Self-service allows modern customers to save the time they spend waiting on agents. Brands must optimize the experience for customer satisfaction, giving them what they want with minimal effort.

Gen Z likes brands with a voice- brands that know when to take a stand. It’s not about being politically correct or having diverse topics to cover but more about knowing what matters to a brand and how they decide to show up. If you want to strike a chord with the Gen X workforce, transparency is the key.

Zoomers are well-educated, and the matters they need to learn about-they know how to look for information and form a solid viewpoint. Inconsistency is on their radar screen, so brands must walk their talk. If businesses say something matters to them, and their actions prove otherwise, Gen Z wouldn’t blink twice before taking their business elsewhere.

But in contrast, if brands make mistakes and correct those slip-ups, Gen Z would be more tolerant than any previous generation.

In the End

The buying behavior has evolved tremendously in the last few years, and there’s no going back. The hyperconnectivity of the digital age makes the influence of GenZ stronger than brands previously conceived.

The sensible move is to understand the psychology of this generation and cater to those needs. More isn’t always better, but personalization certainly is.

All you need to know about Revops

All You Need To Know About RevOps

All You Need To Know About RevOps

There is a chasm between those that have fully embraced Revops and those that have simply rebranded existing sales or finance teams.

Think about running a business, laying the foundation for a startup, or tasks in a multinational company. All of them work towards driving higher revenue for their business. This can be achieved by focusing on new customer acquisition as well as improving satisfaction amongst existing consumer base.

Previously organizations operated as separate departments with independent objectives, disjointed client encounters, and disorganized data analysis. Efficiency and cohesion were required to manage operations across Marketing, Sales, and Service. Here is when RevOps was introduced. According to Salesforce report, decision-makers comprehend the mounting significance of revenue operations to achieve their desired outcomes as an individual, team, department, and the organization as a whole.

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A staggering 86% of the respondents have explicitly acknowledged the indispensable role played by revenue operations in fulfilling their organization’s objectives.

Revenue operations, also known as RevOps, is an intricate and comprehensive strategy that aims to align and integrate the different functions of marketing, sales, and customer service. The ultimate goal of RevOps is to optimize the customer experience and ensure maximum revenue generation.

To achieve this goal, RevOps eliminates any internal inconsistencies and inefficiencies that might have existed in the past, and brings all revenue-generating departments under one common objective. This means that formerly siloed departments, processes, and tech stacks are streamlined and made to work together in a seamless and harmonious manner.

By doing so, RevOps facilitates a more predictable revenue and growth trajectory, and enhances the overall customer experience. This is accomplished by combining the collective strengths of marketing, sales, and customer service to provide a more holistic and satisfying customer journey. In essence, RevOps can be viewed as a cohesive and synchronized approach to revenue management that enables businesses to thrive in today’s fast-paced and highly competitive marketplace.


Revops impacting businesses

Revops creates a central hub within the organization for customer information. It takes a toll on every significant aspect and connects the sales, marketing, and service team to increase customer acquisition, bookings, recurring revenue, customer churn, and satisfaction. RevOps emphasizes revenue growth by fragmenting internal department silos and facilitating collaboration between customer-facing departments. Revenue operations also assist organizations in leveraging analytics and AI tools to catch and follow trends and opportunities driving revenue streams.

The Need of Revops

Some organizations rely on distinct technological stacks and systems (such as CRM, spreadsheets, business intelligence, and marketing automation) by sales teams, marketing teams, and customer success teams caused a significant disparity in data. This disconnect results in teams presenting their own reports, thereby wasting time on validating and comparing data, leading to an inability to make informed and precise decisions.

The importance of RevOpS lies in its expertise in meeting customer expectations of positive online experiences and personalized interactions. Its framework includes administrative teams, chief revenue officers, and software vendors that create tools to improve data integration and remove silos. The primary focus of RevOps varies with each organization, where some want it to look into marketing operations to drive revenue. While others emphasize sales prospecting or improving upsell and cross-sell capabilities in the service department.

Benefits of implementing Revops

Additional benefits of the RevOps are the alignment, direction, and simplification it bestows on the business through its strategies and teamwork. Bringing together the customer-facing departments ensures impeccable growth in the sales funnel. It guarantees efficiency by creating a common endpoint in mind, such as generating leads, closing deals, and expanding existing accounts.

The final word

To summarize, RevOps is a critical strategy that any organization can adopt to remain competitive in the ever-changing market and meet the ever-increasing expectations of today’s customers. It facilitates organizations to create a flawless personalized customer experience that translates to better revenue growth and a more efficient and productive internal operation.

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Sales Enablement Trends for 2023

Sales Enablement Trends for 2023

The future of B2B sales is hybrid. Since B2B buyers are using more channels, B2B sellers must, too.

Sales Enablement Trends

Over the past few years, the B2B purchasing journey has undergone a significant transformation and become more intricate. With customers now having more power, they prefer conducting their own digital research while multiple parties are frequently involved in making purchasing decisions.

Over the past few years, the B2B purchasing journey has significantly transformed and become more intricate. Customers now have more power, so they prefer conducting their own digital research while multiple parties are frequently involved in purchasing decisions.


As you embark on your journey to devise your company’s sales enablement strategies for 2023, you may be curious about the expected outcomes of your current sales plan.

AI and machine learning are now prevalent, and with tools like ChatGPT leading the way, more sales organizations are incorporating these technologies into their selling procedures. A Press Release by Gartner predicts that by 2025, 75% of business-to-business (B2B) sales organizations will incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) guided selling solutions into their traditional sales strategies. AI technology will play an essential role in understanding their customers’ needs and behaviours to make more informed sales decisions.

By implementing an effective sales enablement program, you can empower your sellers to consistently meet prospects’ and customers’ demands and meet their targets.

Buckle up for the advent of the latest sales enablement trends in 2023

As the corporate terrain transforms rapidly, you must keep abreast of the latest sales enablement trends to promote revenue growth.

According to a Salesforce report, an overwhelming 82% of vendors have had to expeditiously adjust their selling approaches in response to global challenges such as inflation, supply chain disruption, and health safety measures. These trials and tribulations have necessitated expeditious modifications to their standard operating procedures.


This year, companies will confront fresh challenges and opportunities within the sales sphere, from fluctuating customer expectations to nascent technologies. Here are some of the most salient trends that are poised to make a significant impact in 2023.

The rise of AI-enabled selling

Sales enablement is no longer just a functional process or focusing on distributing the right content to the reps at the right time. We see an increased interest in the marketplace in utilizing artificial intelligence as part of sales enablement. 

AI-powered solutions will help further streamline the process of driving successful sales conversations. Ultimately, it’s all about enabling all those incredible sellers out there, so they can act truly customer-centric and drive top-line revenue.

This can include automating repetitive tasks, providing real-time data and insights, and helping salespeople identify new opportunities. Buyers anticipate brands to support their research on multiple channels, including— email, social media, or other budding channels. The Salesforce report also indicates that 57% of purchasers prefer communicating with enterprises through digital channels. Companies have disclosed that approximately one-third of the agreements they seal is entirely virtual.

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Some examples of AI-enabled selling tools include:
  • Chatbots and virtual assistants that help qualify leads and schedule appointments
  • Predictive analytics tools that enable sales teams to forecast sales and identify high value prospects
  • Personalization and recommendation engines that help salespeople tailor messaging and personalize product offerings for individual customers.

Focused engagement while improving retention

In the contemporary B2B world that has been altered by the pandemic and current economic turmoil, obtaining and retaining talented sales professionals has become a persistent challenge. 

report indicates that in many organizations, the sales enablement function is under the jurisdiction of the Chief Sales Officer (CSO). In contrast, the Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) and Chief Growth Officer (CGO) share the responsibility for 25% of organizations. This shift signifies a larger trend towards a more cohesive relationship between sales and marketing.

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Although the most significant proportion of responses (38%) suggested that sales manage the sales enablement function, with some input from marketing, 77% noted some degree of cooperation between the two divisions, indicating an encouraging shift towards greater collaboration.

One of the most effective ways of maintaining sales representatives’ motivation and involvement is by crafting a sales enablement program that fosters a positive seller experience. A sales advisory council may be established to encourage team feedback, give voice to your representatives and gain insight into building a solid sales culture.

Sales enablement must also evolve to shift to virtual work environments and the growing customer preference for online sales.

Sales playbooks and training sessions should include remote selling techniques and educate reps on using digital tools effectively. Employees must be trained and developed to increase their confidence in their job performance, ultimately maximizing their productivity. Regular coaching should be provided to help salespeople allocate their time and resources, and best practices from top performers should be shared.

Furthermore, enablement-led onboarding procedures may strengthen your sales team by minimizing ramp time and increasing engagement levels for new representatives.

Hybrid Selling: The New Norm for Sales Enablement

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the game for sales. Remote selling has become the norm, and a hybrid approach that combines in-person and remote interactions is the new standard. Dubbed “Hybrid Selling,” this approach has gained traction due to customer demand for remote-first engagement and the preference of sales reps for this flexible format.

Modern B2B customers seek a balance between the personal touch of in-person interactions and the convenience of remote contact via phone or video. According to an Mckinsey article, over 90% of companies are adopting hybrid selling as their go-to approach, focusing on remote-first engagement. This omnichannel approach offers greater flexibility, scalability, real-time engagement, and profitability than traditional methods.

In today’s world, where remote work is becoming more and more prevalent, hybrid selling is the way forward for sales enablement. By embracing a mix of in-person and remote interactions, companies can connect with prospects more effectively and efficiently than ever before.

Thanks to advanced technology and seamless connectivity, digital engagement is now on par with an in-person meeting. Hybrid selling is here to stay because it simply works. Remote sales reps can reach up to four times more prospects than traditional face-to-face interaction, generating up to 50% more revenue.

Editor’s note

Investing in AI-aided sales enablement platforms has long been considered an additional business expense. However, this mindset may require reconsideration. Sales enablement solutions allow high-performing sales teams to stay ahead of the curve. These technological tools seamlessly integrate with pre-existing enterprise systems, ensuring ease, effectiveness, and use efficiency. Data-driven decision-making boosts revenue growth, and this is particularly significant when customers are cautious about their spending habits in anticipation of an impending global economic downturn. They require unequivocal proof of the value of a company’s products and services before committing to a purchase. You just cannot stay still in enablement. You require constant drive and pure innovation to adapt sales methods to current realities for staying ahead.